miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2018

The Origins of Language

Resultado de imagen para PORTFOLIO ENTRY #2

We're going to watch some videos form Ted-ed. 

  1. Watch them carefully
  2. summarize their content ( 3 videos>>>3 summaries)
  3. answer the questions and learn a lot from them.
  4. add any extra comment, conclusion, etc

  • "Where did English come from?" by Claire Bowern
"When we talk about ‘English’, we often think of it as a single language. But what do the dialects spoken in dozens of countries around the world have in common with each other, or with the writings of Chaucer? Claire Bowern traces the language from the present day back to its ancient roots, showing how English has evolved through generations of speakers."

Go to THIS LINK and log in. Then go to the THINK section and fulfil those tasks

  • "How languages evolve". by Alex Gendler.
"What is the difference between "a hearty welcome" and "a cordial reception"? In a brief, action-packed history of the English language, Kate Gardoqui explains why these semantically equal phrases evoke such different images.."

Go to THIS LINK and log in. Then go to the THINK section and fulfil those tasks 

  • "How did English evolve?" by Kate Gardoqui.
"Over the course of human history, thousands of languages have developed from what was once a much smaller number. How did we end up with so many? And how do we keep track of them all? Alex Gendler explains how linguists group languages into language families, demonstrating how these linguistic trees give us crucial insights into the past."

    Go to THIS LINK and log in. Then go to the THINK section and fulfil those tasks


    Deadline: May 11th

    Material adapted from Ted-ed site.

    stella :-)

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